This is hilarious!
[via Strollerderby]
Today, I decided to check out the Guadalupe River Park, so I packed our daughter into the stroller, and got the dog on the leash, and we headed out.
We ended up walking a little over 6 miles. The walk was great, but the interesting thing was how these breed traits started appearing acting towards the end of the walk.
Look... Over there... Don't you see it.... No, you have to stand in the shade to see it, you can't see it while you stand in the sun.
Smell. There in the shade near the bench. So interesting.... Smells so... No, I'm not ready to go, this is too interesting
He is not any of these breeds, but was just very tired and hot.
I was watching Unwrapped, and I saw the perfect Father's Day gift. The Tastes of Chicago Ultimate Taste kit gives you a good variety of foods from Chicago.
They will pack this up and ship it across the country packed with dry ice.
Now this is a great way to get some Chicago food when you are out of the area.
I always try to keep my eye out for activities that we can take the kids to on the weekend. Sometime I forget the activities that I have seen, and end up doing a search while the kids are running around.
So I decided to add the activities to a calendar, to make it easy for me to remember. I will add ativitites when I see them.
If anyone else is interested, I have shared the calendar.
This is a great post that translates many parenting phrases.
(The comments have some pretty funny ones too.)
Technorati Tags: dictionary, parenting prhase, translate
Our son decided to draw on his window in the back of the van with a crayon. I tried various cleaning supplies to get the crayon off. None of them worked. Later on, I was trying to fix some of the squeaky doors around the house, and then I noticed that the WD-40 can states the WD-40 can be used to clean off crayon.
The WD-40 easily to rid of the crayon, but it left a cloudy residue. With a little Windex, the window came clean.
Here are some pictures of an installation of a model railroad in a child's bedroom. I would love to do something like this. I The kids would have so much fun watching an controlling the trains.
What I would want to do is have three connected track loops. One in each of the bedrooms, and one in the connecting hallway. I would install a switch in each bedroom which would cause the switch to change so the train would never be switched to that bedroom's loop.
[via Strollerderby]
Technorati Tags: train track, model railroad